Wednesday 19 January 2011

Suggested Foods, Herbs and Activities to Avoid During Pregnancy

In case you missed the article in my latest newsletter, I thought I'd re-post it here below for all to see, PLUS a couple of extra suggestions emailed in by readers - enjoy ;)


Now, before you all get excited and start emailing us, I'm *not* pregnant personally - recently however, another raw woman wrote saying that she is two months pregnant and seeking guidance on which foods, herbs and activities to avoid whilst pregnant...having no personal experience in this area, I posted her request on Twitter and Facebook and now send huge THANKS to all of you who left responses for her :)

As promised, here below is a compiled list of all your great suggestions...please note, these are suggestions sent in by various people - you may not perhaps agree with ALL that is written here, please remember to take in this list with a gentle, open heart and to use your own intuition to guide you as to which of these things may or may not be appropriate for yourself, if you too are pregnant or open to new life joining you...

Please note too that there seem to be a lot of issues for pregnant women around meats, shellfish, fish, cheeses and other items like this that people sometimes eat - these items are not mentioned in the list below, as this list is primarily focused on raw vegan items...please feel free to research further online if you are concerned about animal products etc...
Please note too that alcohol/cigarettes/drugs/caffeine and processed foods are similarly all items not included in the lists below that are clearly best not consumed during pregnancy (or at all, from my perspective... ;).

on January the 16th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups passionfruit/mandarin/coconut water juice
3 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a mango
2 cups water
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear, folowed by a carob yumball :)
2 mugs horchata tea
1 cup water

on January the 17th I loved:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice
3 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a mango and a papaya with a little coconut yoghurt
2 cups water
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear, followed by a carob "Brownie Batter" yumpot :)
2 mugs horchata tea
1 cup water

There are three sections below of items/activities to be cautious of during pregnancy: foods, herbs and activities; though some of the foods and herbs may overlap each other, I've done my best to divide them up in a way that I think most people can easily relate to:


Cayenne/hot spices
Pineapple/papaya (esp seeds)/sesame seeds
Flax seed
Fresh wood sorrel


screen shot 2011-01-17 at 7.45.16 pm.png

*Much of the above list was compiled from the fabulous book "Wise Woman Herbal for The Childbearing Year" by Susun Weed.

*Master Herbalist Susun Weed also has a little article HERE on herbs that are supportive during pregnancy.

*There is also a big list of suggested herbs to avoid here:
(note, some of the "culinary" herbs are said to be ok in food prep in small amounts, not in "medicinal" doses though...e.g. basil, caraway seeds, celery seed, fresh horseradish, savory, majoram, nutmeg, rosemary, saffron, tarragon, thyme, watercress...)

on January the 18th I appreciated:

1 quart water
1 cup orange juice
3 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a mango
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear, folowed by a carob "Brownie Batter" yumpot :)
2 mugs of horchata tea
1 cup water

on January the 19th I loved:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice
3 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a dragon fruit and a mango
2 cups water
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear, folowed by a carob "Brownie Batter" yumpot :)
mug of reishi tea :)
1 cup water


*Contact with cat litter and other animal feces
*Contact with pesticides/pollutants/toxins/paint fumes/household chemicals/hair dyes and so on
*Electric blankets and water beds
*Ultrasounds and x-rays
*Amusement Park rides
*Taking systemic enzymes, ascorbic acid, antihistamines, antacids, laxatives, diuretics
*Tight clothing, high heeled shoes
*Standing for extended periods of time
*Loud noises (e.g. concerts)
*Airplane travel, any lengthy travel
*Hot baths/saunas/hot tubs/hot yoga/any activity or situation where you could become very hot
*Strenuous/vigrorous activities, especially in the third trimester e.g. kickboxing, intense hiking, scuba diving, trampolining, weight lifting, horseriding - any activities where there is the chance to fall, where balance is key or where high altitudes are involved
*Some yoga poses that put pressure on the belly, plus any exercises such as abdominal crunches that exert pressure on the abdominal muscles

I really hope that this list helps add some value and support to any raw mummas-to-be out there ;) Remember to use your own intuition on which foods etc are appropriate to you - and if you are pregnant and have been consuming/doing anything on this list, we would strongly encourage you not to go into any feelings of fear or "self-blame", remember that these are all just *suggestions*, from various sources - you are your own best guide for what feels appropriate to you. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this list of suggestions and if you have any other ideas to add to these lists, please let us know at angela@rawreform.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

UPDATES: one newsletter reader sent us a link to a book on raw pregnancy HERE, someone else let us know that cherimoyas are not the best food choice while pregnant and a midwife, Shawna shared her thoughts below with us too:

"I am a midwife and lactation consultant, also a vegan and mother of 8 extremely healthy vegan children. All of the foods listed on your "caution" list are perfectly fine for consumption during pregnancy with the exception of "wood sorrel". Cilantro is very beneficial, papaya does wonders for late pregnancy heartburn and in many cultures regular consumption of foods containing hot chilies are part of their culture and have not proved dangerous. If a woman has an aversion to such during pregnancy then it makes sense for her to listen to her body. I myself ate spicy curry several nights a week during my 8th pregnancy to no ill effect but never would have even been able to tolerate the smell during my 1st pregnancy."

All blessings to all life everywhere :)

All love,
Angelalalalalaaaaaaaaa. xxx

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