Wednesday 7 January 2009

Free Raw Food Goodies Galore :)

OoOOooo, tomorrow evening (Jan 8th), Mr. M is going to be holding a special live teleconference call on the ‘Intermediate Diet’. This plan involves eating healthy whole foods – both cooked and raw – and has been used by Dr. Fred Bisci for decades, to help people to heal. It is GREAT for people who do not want to go 100% raw (or struggle with staying 100% raw), yet would like to feel healthy, balanced and energetic.
This is the plan that the Monarch’s very own mother, Joan, has been following for the last couple of years, during which time she has released I believe around 30 extra pounds and become ever–more radiant and youthful looking. If you didn’t see Matt’s little interview with his mum yet on our TV show, you can see that HERE.
So, Mr. M wanted to share more in–depth, step–by–step details on how to successfully work with this Intermediate Diet and he’ll be speaking about this tomorrow (Thursday Jan 8th) from 6pm Pacific Time. His intention with this call is to speak for 1–2 hours on this subject, then to answer ALL caller Qs, up until midnight Pacific Time, if necessary ;)
You can see all the details for this special event and sign up HERE.

on Jan the 5th I had:

1 quart water
15 chlorella ‘nuts’
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by a little bowl of hand–blended sweet yum (lucuma powder, carob powder, maca, cinnamon, vanilla, gojis, water)
3 cups water
mug of rooibus tea
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by a little bowl of hand–blended sweet yum (lucuma powder, carob powder, maca, cinnamon, vanilla, gojis, water)
2 cups water
cup of natural calm

FUN for all the Raw Family :)
Hey, it's going to be Ms. Shazzley-Dazzley's 40th B-day soooon, on Jan. the 23rd, to be precise. To celebrate, she wanted to give smthg back to EVERYONE in the raw food community (awwwww)...and so was manifested the Shazzie Birthday Bonanza Giveaway :) wa-HAY :)
This can truly be a momentous event for raw foodies all over - freebies for everyone and anyone who'd love to come along and sip at the cup of abundance and flow...from ebooks to signed paintings, vouchers, music downloads and more...there's yummy freebies galore to be lovingly received...Myself and the Monarch have lined up some treats for you, along with Mr. P. McCluskey, the lovely Dhrumil, Madame Alissa Cohen, Ms. Kate Magic and many others... FUN :)
You can check it all out and access your favourite free stuff HERE...
ENJOY and a blissfully HAPPY Solar Return to dear Ms. Shazzie Love...

on Jan the 6th I had:

1.5 quarts water
2 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, fennel, endive, lettuce, ginger, lime
40 chlorella tablets
2 cups water
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and tahini on the side, followed by a little bowl of sweet yum: macadamia butter, carob powder, lucuma powder, cinnamon, vanilla, maca, water
little mug of rooibus tea
3 cups water

on Jan the 7th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, fennel, endive, lettuce, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers on the side, followed by a little bowl of sweet yum: carob powder, lucuma powder, cinnamon, vanilla, maca, water
3 cups water
shot of wheatgrass juice
1.5 cups energy soup with flax crackers on the side, followed by 2 tbsp goji berry powder
2 cups water

MORE FReEeeEeeEeeEeeeee Inspiring Resources...
OooOOoo, how blessed we are...the internet uber–info–bubble is such a wealth of are even more delightful free picks that we’d love to currently highlight with flourescent pens:

*Health Book Summaries recently posted up a summary of the raw food classic ‘The Sunfood Diet Success System’ by Mr. Avocado himself. FUN :) Now, that is a HUGE book – I’m not sure I’ve ever read the whole thing in fact, so this is a welcome blessing, to have this uber–volume summarised into a handy little can create your own free HealthBookSummaries account HERE if you’re not already signed up and download the ‘skinny’ on this and many other inspiring health book titles...

*That Mr. McCabe has done it again: after bringing us his ever–fabulous free worldwide raw resources list HERE, he has now gone on to publish an ENTIRE free book about hemp, online. WOW, thanks John :) It seems he put literally years of research into the 'Hemp Now' book, then generously decided to give it away for free on t’ can access this book HERE, learning, for example why the US is currently the biggest importer of hemp in the world, yet hemp is illegal to grow in the US...and the implications this has in terms of economics, ecology, politics and more...

*That other crazy raw–friendly philanthropist, Mr. Brian Johnson over at is still giggling like a mad scientist as his ‘freebie giveaway counter’ races ever–upwards... Well over 10,000 free accounts have now been claimed already on the site...and there’s still time to claim YOURS, if you haven’t already...get access to the top 25 files on inspiring books like ‘The 4–Hour Work Week’, ‘Ask and It Is Given’ and others... Click HERE to get your FREE account...

Freely, truly, openly, willingly, simply, decidedly...with you,
Miss A. Stokes. xxx

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