On March the 7th I enjoyed:
1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice
1 quart greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
water of a young coconut
shared cucumber meal with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and very interesting nut butter experiment of almond-garlic-cacao butter mixture - wow ;O Followed by a few prunes
2 big mugs of horchata tea
water of a young coconut
As some of you are surely already aware, mesquite was recently banned for sale in the UK...and chia seeds are already banned, plus other "novel" foods...our dear friend Shazzie has been devoting a LOT of energy into dealing with the left-brain craziness around food banning in Europe and would LOVE for those of you who are in support of being able to choose for yourself which foods to eat, to vote HERE in a campaign for food freedom :)
Just click the link and vote with the little box on the left - click "3 votes" and let's see if we can collectively get food freedom more awareness and recognition - thanks for your supportive votes :)
Shazzie says if you're in the UK, you could also help by writing to your MP or finding evidence of pre-May 1997 use of mesquite in the UK or EU...more details in this older blog post from Shazzle-Dazzle HERE - thanks everyone :)
on March the 8th I loved:
1 quart water
cup of fresh orange juice
1 quart greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a yummers mango
shared cucumber meal with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and very interesting nut butter experiment of almond-garlic-cacao butter mixture - wow ;O Followed by a few prunes
2 big mugs of horchata tea
water of a young coconut
on March the 9th I appreciated:
1 quart water
cup of orange juice
1 quart greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a yummers mango
shared cucumber meal with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and very interesting nut butter experiment of almond-garlic-cacao butter mixture - wow ;O Followed by a little pecan butter swirled with honey
2 big mugs of horchata tea
water of a young coconut
To see who was the blessed winner of last month's RawReform Giveaway Contest to win a gift-pack of Blackbird Naturals' Veggie Patch Seeds, click HERE...
This month we are delighted to be able to offer y'all a copy of the lovely Alissa Cohen's new book "Raw Food For Everyone" :) Countless thousands of people have been guided along on their raw path via Alissa, her online community and helpers...and Alissa's first book "Living On Live Food" has become a modern "classic" for raw foodies

"Raw Food For Everyone" just came out late last year and features a mammoth *300 Recipes* ;O Many of these recipes were apparently favourites from Alissa's raw restaurants "Grezzo" in Boston and Newburyport...
To be in with a chance of winning this beautiful new recipe tome, just send us in your A to the following Q:
"If you could post a message onto billboards all over your country
to share healthier lifestyles with everyone,
what would the billboards say?"
to share healthier lifestyles with everyone,
what would the billboards say?"
Send your answers in to rawreformcontests@gmail.com by April the 8th to be in with a chance of winning. The winner shall be picked at random and with much celebration shortly thereafter. In the meantime if you'd love to purchase your own copy of "Raw Food For Everyone", just click HERE.
All love and radiating delight,
Angelalalaaaaaaaaa. xxx