Deck the halls with goji berries, falalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)
It's that time of year when many people are in gift-seeking mode, myself included ;) I thought it might be fun to give a list of some of the top gift ideas that come to mind for me at this time of year - perhaps this will offer some extra inspiration for some of you out there... ;) Here are ten of my favourite items to give, in no particular order:

1. The Mother Magazine - I've lost count of how many subscriptions to this fabulous magazine I have sent worldwide now - if you, or someone you know is pregnant, parenting, or waiting to conceive, this might be a *beautiful* gift to send them :) See HERE to subscribe.

2. Gratitude Diary - our dear friend Morthern in Australia makes a gorgeous yearly "Gratitude Diary" to help you remember every day to focus on the positive and live with an Attitude of Gratitude - love it - see HERE for diaries.
3. Philosopher's Notes Goodies - another dear friend, Brian Johnson, has

On December the 11th I was blissed with:
1 quart water
water of a young coconut
1 quart greeeeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
bowl of papaya/mango/coconut yoghurt/carob/maca/ashwaghanda/astragalus/stevia
2 cups water
1 quart greeeeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
little bit of leftover cucumber salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and lecithin, followed by a carob "Brownie Batter" yumpot :)
2 cups water
on December the 12th I enjoyed:
1 quart water
3 cups coconut water/orange juice mixture
5 granadillas, a red banana and a tub of blackberries
2 cups wild green coconut elixir from Mr. M
bowl of papaya/mango/coconut yoghurt/carob/maca/ashwaghanda/astragalus/stevia
2 cups water
an avocado mashed into nori sheets and spread onto flax crackers with sauerkraut, Sea Clear and lecithin powder, followed by three yummy dates :)
mug of herbal tea
1 cup coconut kefir
4. Texture Clothing - lovely Teresa in Washington State makes the yummiest hemp clothes I've met yet...she is also offering y'all 20% Off any of her creations this month, just use the coupon code "raw" at the checkout - see :)

5. Anastasia - I've said this so many times before: no book has impacted my life more in recent years than "Anastasia" by Vladimir Megre - I *love* giving this book as a gift and watching lives transform in front of my eyes - see HERE for ordering...
6. Hand Analysis Sessions - as some of you know, I am very interested in non-predictive hand reading (think 'le

7. Shiva Lingams - I love collecting stones and crystals and one of my all-time favourite stones to be with and gift are the magnificent Shiva Lingams from India - these smooth, oval, gorgeously-marked grey/brown/red river-washed stones seem to me to share a very tangible power and presence - I feel that they make lovely gifts - they come in many sizes ;)
on December the 13th I loved:
1 quart water
cup of orange juice
bowl of papaya/mango/coconut yoghurt/carob/maca/ashwaghanda/astragalus/stevia
1 cup water
3 cups pineapple/cucumber/Ormus Greens blended
shared cucumber salad with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and lecithin, followed by a carob "Brownie Batter" yumpot :)
mug of horchata tea
1 cup water
on December the 14th I appreciated:
1 quart water
cup of orange juice
1 quart greeeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
20 chlorella tablets
bowl of papaya/mango/coconut yoghurt/carob/maca/ashwaghanda/astragalus/stevia
a handful of coconut chips, 3 tbsp acai powder
mug of horchata tea
3 cups water
8. Massage or Colonic Certificates - who do you know who *couldn't* use a massage, or colonic, or both for that matter...? ;) Find a yummy local therapist and see if they offer gift certificates for loved ones...
9. Sacred Truffle Bon-Bons - if you or your loved ones are chocolate lovers, there can surely be no finer, more beautifully presented gift boxes of raw chocolate delights this season than the Sacred Truffle Bon-Bon sets - *beautiful* :) Check them out HERE.
10. Wildcrafte

We also have a fantastic selection of gift items on offer at this month, such as kitchen appliances, ceramic knives, rebounders, spirooli slicers, QBC Pendants and much more - see HERE for gift suggestions for all the family and...ENJOY :)
Happy Holidays to Everyone... :)))
All loooooooove and divine inspiration :)
A Stokes-Monarch. xxx