WELL...what a year 2009 has been for us...I’ve been thinking back over the last 12 months with a mixture of joy and amusement the last couple of days... ;)
We started the year in Mexico, launching the LiveLightly Plan and rescuing two dogs, from whom we contracted canine scabies...hmmmmm... I went back to the UK to do USA Immigration interviews, heal from scabies and finish writing “Raw Emotions”. After 2 months or so of self-imposed “quarantine” to help heal afore-mentioned scabies and finish afore-mentioned book, I emerged joyfully in the spring with a scabies-free body, a completed book and a fiance visa for the US, after nearly 2 years in the immigration system – YAY :) Swiftly exited left, to Ecuador, to meet future husband and our land in Vilcabamba for the first time – LOVED it all so very much.
Back to the USA after 10 days and almost immediately straight into raw food talk tour which pretty much ran from April to November this year, allll over the US, with little breaks here and there. Also, finding ourselves under obligation to marry within 90 days of me entering the US, as a condition of my visa, we set about formulating wedding plans immediately too, for the Raw Union Festival ;)
On December the 27th I was blissed with:
1 quart water
1 cup greeeen juice
1 cup reishi tea
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 tbsp coconut oil with 40 chlorella ‘nuts’
1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice
1 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 cups water

We finished our talk tour on November the 22nd and the very next day, on November the 23rd, our car was ‘totalled’ in a pretty intense car accident in Pennsylvania ;O Immediately started 7-day Juice Feast to help expedite healing from shock, cuts, bruises, whiplash, aches etc... As I was due back in California very soon afterwards for my NEXT Immigration interview, we welcomed a second hand jeep into our lives and jiggled gratefully back to CA for interview, only to be thwarted by the question “what colour is the carpet at your mum’s house?” lol ;) Case put on hold for ‘next 6 months’...ho-hummmm...thankfully the interviewer seemed to have a change of heart in the following week and I got a letter shortly afterwards announcing that I am now welcome in the US, as a “permanent resident” – yeeeeeee-HAH ;)
December saw us help our warehouse staff in Ojai expand the premises to three times the size and I also pieced together the free “Profoundly Raw” ebook as a Christmas gift to all...
Then we dallied off to Arizona, where we currently find ourselves resting ooohhhhhhh soooooooo gratefully and joyfully in the kind embrace of The Tree of Life centre, Juice Feasting, parasite cleansing, getting body work and mainly just RELAXING ;)
It’s felt like an amaaaazing journey this year – thank you SO much to all of you who have been a part of this flow in some way – those who came to talks, watched the TV show, listened to the radio show, read this blog, sent in messages, sent healng and love after our car accident, came to our wedding and so on – however you connected, thank you :)
I am really excited for 2010 and send you all the very best wishes for an expansive year of joy, love and wonder too – enjoy :)
on December the 28th I enjoyed:
1 quart water
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
1 cup green juice
1.5 cups DELICIOUS coconut kefir :)))
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 tbsp coconut oil with 40 chlorella tablets
3 cups water
samples of spirulina crunchies and new bee pollen – yummm ;)
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
3 tbsp bee pollen with probiotics
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 cups water
So, we’re on day 14 of our current intended 30-Day Green Juice Feast here at the Tree of Life in AZ and all is flowing AMAZINGLY well... :)
Alongside this juicy flow, I’m excited to say that on January the 7th, we’re going to be connecting with the lovely David and Katrina Rainoshek of JuiceFeasting.com, for an interview on TheRawFoodWorld TV Show via Skype, alllll about Juice Feasting...and YOU get to ask all the questions... ;)
So, if you have any juicy questions you’d love to have answered by the king and queen of JF-ing, just email those Qs in to angela@rawreform.com by Jan 6th and we’ll aim to get them all answered on Jan 7th with the Rainosheks – FUN :)
All love,
Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx