Monday 7 September 2009

WIN a copy of 'Birth As We Know It' :)

Mr. Monarch and I just spent an absolutely inspiring, blissful, explorative weekend at a workshop on conscious parenting/birthing, with Elena from before you all get excited, I am NOT pregnant and my preference would be to not bring children in yet for another couple of years or so, just to be clear ;)
We first met Elena a few years back at the Raw Film Festival, where she was showing her
hugely inspiring film 'Birth As We Know It' – we fell in love with her work, vision and message right there...this is without doubt one of the most inspiring and moving documentaries I have EVER seen...AAAAAAND Elena has now very generously offered a copy of the Educational Edition of her DVD to one very fortunate winner, for this month's RawReform giveaway - read on for details below :) (The winner of last month's contest to win Sarma's new raw recipe book will be announced soooon ;)

We filmed Elena for TheRawFoodWorld TV Show and ended up with an hour of – she has SO much to share...YouTube only takes 10 minute clips, so stay tuned over at TheRawFoodWorld.TV in the coming few days to check into Elena's incredible is the first clip for now:

on September the 4th I enjoyed:

1 quart water

shotglass of orange juice

8oz sunflower greens/sprout juice

2 cups greeeeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, zucchini, endive, fennel, parsley, romaine, ginger, lime

bowl of energy soup with coconut crisps on the side, followed by a handful of Incan berries – yummmmmmm :)

1 quart water

1/2 cup concord grape juice

2 cups greeeeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, zucchini, endive, fennel, parsley, romaine, ginger, lime

2 apples, a handful of sunflower greens, a few brazil nuts mixed with a few purple mulberries

3 cups water

Elena has a profound, simple, healing message and vision of conscious parenting, which she is sharing with the world and I am THRILLED to help spread this message far and wide, with that in mind, to be in with a chance of being the very fortunate winner of this month's giveaway prize, please send in your answer to the following question, to

"If you were the winner of the Birth As We Know It DVD,
who would you share this inspiring documentary with and

Maybe you'll open your heart to showing this DVD to a local women's group, or share it at a potluck gathering, with a group of teenagers, your extended family, your local school or arrange a whole event around showing the documentary...whatever resonates for you, we'd love to hear
about it - the more people who receive this information, then all the better :) ...and it is my sincere hope that whoever is picked to win the DVD around the start of October follows through and does actually share the DVD with those around them - this is vital, life-shifting information... ENJOY and we look forward to reading your suggestions for outreach and have until October the 5th to send your yummies in... ;)
(You can also get Elena's DVD from our store HERE if you just can't wait... ;)

on September the 5th I was blissed with:

1 quart water

3 cups goji/green juice mixture – made green juice in a blender/nut milk combo, using goji juice instead of water as the base ;)

½ bowl of energy soup with dill crackers, followed by sample bites of two new raw bars

3 cups water

½ bowl of energy soup with a piece of Lydia's sunflower bread, followed by sample bites of two new raw bars

2 cups water

2 cups coconut water/Greener Grasses/Merlin's Elixir/Marine Phytoplankton

little bowl of chia pudding with concord grapes and FROZEN FIGS – WOW, had never tried that before – like eating fig ice cream :)

3 cups water

on September the 6th I loved:

1 quart water

3 cups goji/sunflower green juice

2 cps water

bowl of energy soup with crackers, followed by sample bites again of two raw bars

mug of peppermint tea

3 cups water

3 cups coconut water with Greener Grasses, Merlin's Elixir and Marine Phytoplankton

bowl of chia pudding made with blended concord grapes and lucuma powder and a little creamy almond butter swirled on top – WOW :)

3 cups water

Continuing with the theme of raising vibrant loving beings, I am completely in LOVE with this song right now from John Mayer – 'Daughters' – enjoy :)


All love,

Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

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