Sunday 3 January 2010

Banned From YouTube ;) you may have heard already, our daily raw food "TV Show", The Raw Food World just got *banned* from YouTube a couple of days ago...all of Mr. M's 400 or so videos were deleted and he was informed he can 'never' have a YouTube account again ;) Mercury Retrograde gone into the extreeeeeme methinks ;) We still don't have total clarity why this happened or what the next steps look like - we are in communications with various people though to see where we go from here - for now regular programming shall continue over at ;) In this video below you can see us discussing this bizarre turn of events:

on December the 31st I enjoyed:

1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
3 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
shot of wheatgrass juice
1 cup greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
4 tbsp bee pollen with probiotics
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
30 chlorella tablets
3 cups water

So, as I write we're on Day 19 of our current intended 30-day Green Juice Feast here at the Tree of Life in Patagonia. All is flowing outstandingly well - <3, love, LOVE being here for this experience.
Today also marks Day 1 of an intended 10-day "World Juice Cleanse" initiated by madame Shazzie over in the UK... Shazzie wanted to do a juicy cleanse at this time and invited others to play too - now there are over 100 people worldwide kicking off a juicy flow together - YUMMY :)
If you're not already in the liquid flow and would like to join in, you can read abt Shazzie's WJC intentions over at her blog HERE - enjoy :)

on JANUARY the 1st 2010 I welcomed the new year with:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeen juice
1.5 cups water with sole (Himalayan salt dissolved in water)
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups water
2 tbsp coconut oil with 40 chlorella tablets
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
3 cups greeeen juice

on January the 2nd 2010 I smiled and loved:

1 quart water
1 cup greeen juice
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
3 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
mug of herbal tea
2 cups water
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
30 chlorella tablets, 2 tbsp coconut oil
2 cups greeeen juice
3 cups water

If you didn't catch the recent series of 3 videos posted by Paul Nison with his 108-year-old friend Bernando LaPallo, I would HIGHLY recommend checking those out at the links below...Bernando is SO inspiring to me - he is 108 and yet has the appearance of someone perhaps 60 or 70 years old - AMAZING :)
He doesn't eat totally raw and is not vegan either - he simply eats foods that come straight from the Earth (no processed foods), keeps active, eats small amounts and doesn't eat when it's dark outside...I LOVE hearing him share, as he has such a depth of experience and unique perspective on things, rarely found among modern humans in our societies. I loved hearing him speak in the first video below for example, about how his co-workers used to mock his eating choices in his younger years and now...well, somewhat predictably, none of them are around anymore...

Check out the three videos below and ENJOY :) Thanks for sharing, Paul :)

All love,
Angellalalalaaaaaaaaa. xxx

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