Saturday 23 January 2010

Five Things I Learnt On The Road Last Year...

I recently found some notes I'd been making on a piece of paper in the car, along the theme of five things that had become clear to me while living on the road for the MAJORITY of last year, while travelling, moving, darting in and out of places and houses and venues and lives...I thought I'd share these observations here with y'all today...

*'Nothing is Definite Until it is Done' - along our travels we meet people telling us about all kinds of projects, ideas and suggestions that they think are 'definitely' going to happen: books they are writing, new businesses they are 'definitely' going to do, websites they will have ready 'next week' and any number of other things that they are certain are going to my experience, nothing is definite until it is actually I tend to receive all this kind of information with an open, supportive heart and an awareness that things may actually unfold in another way than is being foretold... ;) There are so many myriad possibilities for outcomes and we all have a choice in every single moment, so thinking that things are 'definitely' going to happen can seem, to me, a little like openly tempting the 'trickster' energy to rise up and meet the path... ;)

on January the 20th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 tbsp YUMMY bee pollen
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice
bowl of blended chia yum: blended together green apples, sprouted chia flour, acai powder, maca, spirulina
1 quart water
3 cups reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
1 cup greeeeeen juice
4 tbsp acai powder
2 cups water

*'Don't Take Anything Personally' - I've mentioned this one before, with major kudos to Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements) - and it is such a powerful theme for me that it comes up here again. Living and sharing life 'in public' can create situations where energies that seem other-than-supportive seem to be directed towards us. The key to finding peace in these situations, for me, centres around stepping away from taking any of this energy flow personally. I send love to anyone who seems to be acting out in a way that seems other-than-congruent with universal unconditional love and compassion... Sending people love, compassion and healing energy seems to be the best I can do to shift the energy in these situations.

*Breathe Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep - my first action in any situation that feels challenging is to breathe deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...this feels calming, healing, empowering and is the quickest way for me to reconnect to source, besides which it is also free and easy to do... ;)

on January the 21st I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice
bowl of blended chia yum: blended together green apples, sprouted chia flour, acai powder, maca, spirulina
2 cups reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeeen juice
4 tbsp acai powder, handful of *amazing* new Hunza dried apricot pieces - WOW :)
2 cups reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

on January the 22nd I was delighted with:

1 quart water
3 cups greeeeeeen juice
bowl of blended chia yum: blended together green apples, sprouted chia flour, acai powder, maca, spirulina, sprinkled some ground pumpkin seeds on top
2 cups reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
3 cups water
1 cup greeeeen juice
4 tbsp acai powder, little handful Hunza dried apricots
2 cups reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

*Leafy Greens, Seaweeds, Sprouts - for me, these are the three basic food components to concentrate on ingesting daily, to feel healthy, balanced and consistently great. Naturally I consume other things alongside these three - these are just the BASICS to make sure I am getting into my body, in some form, every day... ;)

*Emanating Love to All - many people we come across seem to be carrying a 'pain body' with them to some degree or another...they WANT love, acceptance and to feel happy and yet they may speak and act out in a way that seems to suggest otherwise ;) In my experience, the more I am willing to extend a space of love, compassion and acceptance to everyone, the more easily my own life experience seems to flow...whereas resistance to any energy flow seems to escalate apparent challenges...after all, what we resist, persists ;)
I believe that anyone can hold a healing space of love open towards another being, IF they are willing to do so - it often comes down to a balancing game of pain bodies; who is willing to step up into the light of love, compassion and grace and hold a gentle space open for mutual healing...? Is it going to be an endless, morbid battle of 'my pain body is bigger than yours', or are you willing to step up, listen with compassion to others and spread the love...? ;)

All blessings to you all...
Angelalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx

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