Monday 18 January 2010

Come Fruit Tree Planting With Us in Vilcabamba, Ecuador :)

Ooooooo, we have a *yummy* new development to announce about the intended Raw Food Gathering in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, May 4th-14th :) Join Mr. M and I, David Wolfe, the Wheatgrass Messiah, *Solla* from Iceland (hopefully - I am nudging the Universe daily to support this... ;) and many other yumsters for a fruity, earthy, delicious experience down south...
We're intending to plant fruit trees all around Vilcabamba, in areas that are open to receiving nature's bounty... As you may know, Mr. M and I pledged to donate $1 from the sale of every printed version of my book "Raw Emotions" to charities that either plant new trees or protect old growth forests. WELL...which finer charity to donate these shiny pennies to than Dr. Wolfe's Fruit Tree Planting Foundation? :)
This idea was 'downloaded' to me one morning recently during my Juice Feast as I awoke and I literally sprang out of bed with excitement about it ;) We intend to gather up baby fruit trees in Vilcabamba in the coming months and locate suitable places to help them connect to Mama Earth...everyone who comes down to play at the Raw Food Gathering in May will be welcome to join us in this community fruit tree planting adventure :) YAY :) ...and if you'd like to purchase a printed copy of "Raw Emotions" to support this venture, you can find the books HERE.
So...if you don't yet have clear plans for May and would love to come and explore Vilcabamba, plant trees, connect with the raw tribe and experience the sublime synchronous flow of the Andes, this might be a fun event for you to enjoy - we look forward to seeing you there, if you are drawn... :)

on January the 14th it was Day 30 of Green Juice Feasting for me and I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
2 tbsp Sunfire Elixir - WOW ;O
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
3 cups greeeeeeeeeeen juice
2 tbsp coconut oil with 2 tbsp Sunfire Elixir and 30 Chlorella Tablets
1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
3 cups water

on January the 15th I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
1 cup coconut kefir
2 tbsp coconut oil, 3 tbsp Sunfire Elixir, handful of Spirulina Crunchies
1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
3 tbsp bee pollen
3 cups water

Please vote for Mike Adams (of to win the "Shorty Award" for Health Content:

We <3 what Mike Adams is up to over at; he has made such an impact on behalf of and in conjunction with lightworkers everywhere. Would you be willing to take a moment and vote for him to win the "Shorty Award" for best Health Content? This award has the potential to shine an even brighter spotlight on the remarkable, pioneering work Mike is doing. These awards are given to publishers of the internet's best "short-form" content, and the awards are recognized throughout the mainstream media - nice :)
This is *your* opportunity to help NaturalNews and the Health Ranger get some outstanding mainstream exposure for all the work they do to bring us all important health stories, tips and information on a daily basis.
To learn more about these awards, click HERE...and to vote for Mike, click HERE - THANKS :)

on January the 16th I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
2 tbsp coconut oil, 3 tbsp Sunfire Elixir and 30 chlorella tablets
3 tbsp bee pollen
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeen juice from the Tree of Life Cafe
3 tbsp bee pollen
3 cups water

on January the 17th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 tbsp freeze-dried acai powder - WOW :)
2 cups greeeeeen juice
3 cups greeeeeeeeen juice
2 tbsp coconut oil, 30 chlorella tablets, 3 tbsp acai powder
1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice
2 tbsp acai powder
2 cups water
mug of herbal tea
2 cups green juice
2 cups water I write, today is Day 34 of the Green Juicy adventure I am currently involved in...I have started to include some acai powder (WOW) and now that we're not at the Tree and loving having half a gallon of fresh juice provided for us daily by the Cafe, I suspect food might start to seem more and more appealing in the coming days - we'll see how it flows...;)
For now, I mainly still feel like someone who is Juice Feasting, with some other little bits here and there on the body definitely seems to be wanting *simple* things in all my choices - e.g. just acai powder on its own, nothing else ;) lol... We are back in Ojai, California now, with all the incredible edibles from the local farmers - WOW, outstanding produce - we are *so* blessed here...

A few of you have been writing in to ask for my favourite juice recipes...hmmmmmm...well, here are some ideas:
*'Chocolate Milk' - spinach, romaine lettuce, carrot - tastes like CHOCOLATE MILK ;O Amazing...
*Celery/Cucumber/Apple/Ginger - sooooo refreshing and uplifting, totally more-ish...
*Romaine/Fennel/Carrot/Spinach/Sunflower Greens - subliiiiime :)
Note - these are not the kind of greeeeeen juices I've been drinking for the last month - those have all been low glycemic (no fruits/carrots etc) - these three suggestions listed above just taste great to most people, which is an important factor... ;) There are no *amounts* given for the produce items, as it is up to you to decide how to much of each ingredient to use - enjoy :)
Hope that helps - happy juicing :)))
All love,
Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

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