As you’ll be aware if you follow our shows over at The Raw Food World, Mr. Monarch is very unwell at the moment :(
He went to a reunion party last weekend and was in a smoky environment for 4 hours. He is extremely sensitive to cigarette smoke and his body has been protesting wildly and detoxing intensely ever since. He has been water–fasting, fever–ish and bedridden since Monday, as the toxins leave his system :(
Please join me in a 'virtual vigil', to send him masses of love, light, healing, positivity and upliftment if you feel drawn to do so – that is what I am doing constantly right now, as I still cannot be there with him, to help directly... All visualisations of him as healthy, happy and peaceful are gratefully received ;) Also please understand if you have tried to contact him recently and have not heard back – he will respond when able...right now his focus is recovery...thank you.
on Jan the 29th I had:
1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, cabbage, kale, local greens, fennel, Jerusalem artichokes, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and tahini on the side
3 cups water
1.5 cups homemade rejuvelac
2 cups deeeeeeeeeep red/purple juice: beetroot, purple cabbage, red kale, fennel, red bell peppers, carrot, ginger, lemon
little bowl of blended yummy stuff: carob powder, lucuma, maca, vanilla, cinnamon, water with some grawnola stirred in and a chunk of AMAZINGLY tasty goji-lemon bar from LoveForce - WOW :)
3 cups water
I am totally in LOVE with this song at the moment – ‘At Last’, sung by Beyonce at the ‘Inaugural Neighbourhood Ball’ for Barack and Michelle Obama. What a stunning performance :O – I have watched this countless times in the last 24 hours and it still moves me to tears almost every time – whew – powerful stuff. Thank you, Beyonce for sharing your gorgeous flow – what an amazing si*star* :)
on Jan the 30th I had:
1 quart water
2 cups deeeeeeeeeep red/purple juice: beetroot, purple cabbage, red kale, fennel, red bell peppers, carrot, ginger, lemon
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and tahini on the side
1 quart water
little cup of rooibus tea
2 cups greeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, cabbage, kale, local greens, fennel, Jerusalem artichokes, ginger, lime
little bowl of blended yummy stuff: carob powder, lucuma, maca, vanilla, cinnamon, water with some grawnola stirred in
3 cups water
I started to watch a wonderful film on YouTube today - it is a French film called 'The Green Beautiful' and offers an extremely refreshing view of life here on Earth, something along the lines of the visions foretold in the 'Anastasia' books...
The film is in 9 parts on YouTube, with French speaking and English subtitles. Warning - the subtitles go pretty fast at times - so, if you're following those, I find that just tuning into the overall meaning works, even if you perhaps miss some of the subtler nuances ;) I'm really enjoying can view the first part, which opens quite slowly, at the link below, then use the 'related videos' functions to view the following parts if you'd like to - fun :)

...with a gentle heart and a mighty love,
please remember to send Mr. M lots of healing, light and love, if you will...
With gratitude,
Angela. xxx