Saturday, 2 December 2006

New toys to play with...

The sunset here tonight in San Jose was spectacular…

So, this morning we went to the Organic Farmer’s Market and it was FUN :) It felt kind of obscure and underground. Through a locked gate, behind some building on a random street in San Jose, a muddy field and a handful of vendors awaited us. I was so happy to see them and the beautiful produce they had brought for sale. We got many exciting things. Anything that was different to what we can generally get, we snapped up…like blackberries, mustard greens, green beans, huge radishes and tomatoes, guyava, turmeric, tangerines and so on…YUMMMMMMM :) different flavours and nutrients = fun juices :) we left with 2 massive bags of goodies and the whole lot cost less than £7 ($14)…wow…imagine…
The blackberry and pineapple juice that was created as a result of this expedition was one of the most potent things I’ve ever tasted. It felt like an incredible antioxidant hit – no flus for me now for the next 10 years ;) – I am tanked up from that stuff – intense…

Today I’ve had:

750ml (3.5 cups) water with sweet lemon juice
200ml (1 cup) orange juice with mysterious gelatinous linseed-like stuff...
juice of 1 green coconut
150ml (2/3 cup) green juice
600ml (2.5 cups) blackberry and pineapple juice with honey (WOW)
1 litre (1 quart) 'garden' juice
500ml (1 pint) water
1.6 litres (1 quart and 1 pint) watermelon juice

which makes...hmmm...(do you hear the cogs in my brain grinding at this point in every message...? ;)...about 5 litres of liquids today (1.25 gallons).

My pH is still registering at a solid 7 from morning urine tests. Good stuff – right in the middle of the scale – balanced…
Mouth ulcer (canker sore) is retreating – hurray :)

I feel a bit like I’m on a see-saw between greens and fruits at the moment. I have sweet things and they spike my blood sugars up so that I get a bit spacey, with lots of energy, then when I have greens, I feel more mellow, but can get so MERT that I become really slow and passive. Today for example, after the ‘garden’ juice in the middle of the day, I went into a real slump and could barely keep my eyes open. Whereas prior to that, the AMAZING blackberry and pineapple juice spiked me up into action and I got loads of work done. It’s like I swing from one effect to the other – hmmmmmm…would like some more balance in there – am thinking I’ll start combining some greens with fruits and see how that goes…like pineapple with spinach maybe…sounds interesting…

Overall today I have a feeling of being more ‘solid’ in my whole being – like I am becoming more capable and centred in being on this feast. I guess my body is getting more and more adjusted to this way of being and is bringing me up to a more functional level as quickly as it can, using this new source of nutrients…just juice…

I am definitely not becoming less interested in sweet things though so far. Quite the opposite in fact. It is typical that people become less interested in fruits and more in greens when juice feasting like this – right now that’s not my experience. The greens are seeming often like a chore and the fruits feel really exciting…funny…so, we’ll see where my body goes with that…

All blessings for now :)
one love,
Angela. xxx


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